Who We Are:
Wings Community Programs actively engages students in experiences to help them be successful in school and in life as they grow into productive adults. Wings began in the fall of 2001 under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Wings continues to serve students K-12, with financial support from local towns, private donations and grants. Wings originally served the Whitingham community and has grown to provide programming in Halifax, Readsboro, Whitingham and Wilmington.
What We Do:
Wings Community Programs has identified three primary goals:
- To engage students in creative academic, enrichment and physical wellness activities after school.
- To improve students' academic achievement in language arts and mathematics.
- To build students' developmental assets and increase positive relations between students and their school.
How We Do It:
- Wings offers five sessions of programming per year. Programs run for six weeks each session.
- Academic clubs range from math and science clubs to spelling bees and foreign languages.
- Enrichment offering vary from drama, art and music to gardening, cooking, knitting and photography.
- Physical wellness clubs like yoga, dance, snowshoeing, golf and fishing.
- Wings provides homework assistance and tutoring services.
- Annual theatrical two week camp culminating in sold out musicals
- Celebrate summer camp / Stepping Stones (School readiness camp)/Golf lessons/ Outdoor Adventure Camp/ Halifax Camp/Readsboro Camp